The Best Investments to Make in your 30s in Nigeria and What to do with your Savings in your 30s


A typical Nigerian in his 30s should be in his mind-life, and mid-career. Most Nigerians in their 30s are married with families and children; there are more people to cater for and more responsibilities. In this post, we’ll be guiding you on the best investments to make in your 30s in Nigeria, and what to do with your savings in your 30s.

The Best Investments to Make in your 30s in Nigeria and What to do with your Savings in your 30s

1. Land Banking

This is the best investment to make in your 30s in Nigeria: land banking. It is the most secure and high-yielding investment to do in Nigeria at the moment. It is also simple and stress-free.

What you have to do is to buy land in a fast developing area from a very trusted source, and go to sleep. You can buy as many lands as possible even. Keep the documents of the land. In 5 – 20 years time, those lands would have appreciated by over 400%. That’s how well land appreciates.

2. Precious Metals and Assets Banking

You can also get into precious metals banking by banking on metals that are valuable with good appreciating value. If you have the connection and link, you can buy precious metals and assets such as diamond, rhodium, palladium, gold, silver, and so on. Keep them safe, and resell in a short or long while. It’s a good investment if you get the original.

3. Setting up a Profitable Business or Side Hustle

The other good investment and thing you do to bring money for you in your 30s is setting up a profitable business or side hustle. Well, if you are working, you need to still set up your business, and if you’re doing business already, you diversify. It is in your 30s, when you are still young that you can manage and supervise a business.

4. Scaling up your Skills and Certifications

Are you a career man or woman, or a business person? Well, it doesn’t matter anyone that you are, as a Nigerian, you’ve got to keep scaling your skills and certifications. As a business person, get an MBA, and as a career person, still get an MBA or professional courses in your career. The more you scale up, the higher your chances of earning more.

5. Building your Residential House

Even though some people would advise you that building and owning your own residential house is a waste of time and money. We don’t agree to this. There is nothing more satisfying in Nigeria than building and owning your own residential house especially for those living in expensive cities such as Lagos, Abuja, Enugu, Port Harcourt, Calabar, and so on.

In your 30s is the best time to plan on building, finishing, and moving into your own house in your city. It will save you annual house rent, give you more space, make you live longer, and it is also a great investment. By your retirement time, the building and land must have appreciated by over 200%.


This is it on the best investments to make in your 30s in Nigeria and what to do with your savings in your 30s. You can choose any of the investments to make in the order of their importance to you. However, any of the investments made would be of great value to you in the future, especially during your retirement period or times of trouble.

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