How to Sell to Nigerians: The Fastest Ways to Market your Goods and Services to Nigerians


Nigerians are one of the most unpredictable set of people in the world, especially when it comes to selling goods, and marketing. Two companies or individuals might have the same goods but not achieve the same level of success when it comes to marketing. You’ll need to do it properly to achieve a successful marketing. In this post, we’ll examining how to sell to Nigerians: the fastest ways to market your goods and services to Nigerians.

How to Sell to Nigerians: The Fastest Ways to Market your Goods and Services to Nigerians


1. Quality and Quantity


The goods and services you are offering to Nigerians have to be of good quality and quantity at a good proportion for Nigerians to be able to buy from you. This means that what you are offering them should have these two qualities in equal features. This will of course affect your pricing.

2. Good Value


Nigerians aren’t rich, or the country Nigeria is not considered a rich country, so they don’t part with their money easily. You’d have to offer good value for Nigerians to be able to buy goods and services from you. You need to make them feel or sense that they are buying value from you in the way you present your goods and services.

3. Sell Cheap


You should sell cheap to reach across to several Nigerians. No matter how you want to be swayed by the flamboyance you see online, you should know that Nigeria is a poor country, and thus most people in the country are poor. You’ll need to sell your products cheap to be able to sell to lots of Nigerians. This, of course, doesn’t mean you have to sell below your production price; it simply means making your prices affordable, and the profits not too much.

4. Offer Incentives and Discounts


Nigerians love it when you offer incentives and discounts to them, or make it seem like you are offering these to them even to your own detriment. A smart way to evade this, especially if you aren’t making much gains yourself to afford this, is to hike your price and offer them the discount. They would gladly buy from you if the price is hiked a little bit with discount, or hiked with a free gift.

5. Make People have Personal Connection and Attachment to your Products and Services


You need to make people have this personal connection and attachment to the products and services you offer. Nigerians love it when you are involving them on personal terms in the running and affairs of your business. You can make them your business family, and get them involved in the process of the production, packaging, and marketing of your products and services. In case of any changes in pricing and plans, you let them know.

6. Post about your Products and Services across your Social Media Platforms


The next step is to post about your products and services across your social media platforms. You should know that Nigerians do not love engaging in business or deep posts most times, so it’ll take time for you to make any sense to them. However, if you are consistent and keep posting, you’ll definitely get the customers or buyers you are looking for.

You just have to be consistent, and add people or followers who would have interest in your kind of products and services.

7. Inform your Family and Friends


Family and friends do a lot in Nigeria. If you have a supportive family and group of friends, you’d surely get the required help you need in the running and success of your business. You need to inform your them so they can help you market what you do. It is the easiest way to sell to Nigerians as they love buying what has been advertised on personal term to them.

8. Sell what Nigerians want


You also need to study the Nigerian market to know what Nigerians want. It is not just anything you sell to Nigerians, you’d have to sell what Nigerians want. There are some types and classes of products and services Nigerians want, and there are others they don’t want. For instance, anything about clothing, food, finance, and shelter moves very well in Nigeria since it is a struggling country.

There are also other sectors which moves like entertainment and coaching in several sectors.

9. Run an Intensive Digital and Physical Marketing Campaign


The next step is to run an intensive digital and physical marketing campaign for your products and services. You should do it in such a way that you don’t spend so much for little turnover or customers. Your digital and physical marketing campaign should be affordable in such a way that you get customers for the right amount spent. For instance, getting a dedicated and loyal customer for 1K to 3K naira on advertising money spent is not a bad deal.

For physical advertising, you can use billboards and signposts. You shouldn’t use fliers or posters, they don’t work. For digital advertising, you use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or only Facebook. When advertising, picture where your customers are and their interests or who they are, this is when you get your advertising right.



This is it on how to Sell to Nigerians: the fastest ways to market your goods and services to Nigerians.

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