Best and Cheapest Places to Buy Gold in Nigeria


There are places and areas in Nigeria that you can buy gold at cheap prices and rates. You don’t have to break the bank to buy gold in Nigeria. Most of these places are in the Northern region of Nigeria, they are the ones who deal with gold. In this post, we’ll be looking at best and cheapest places to buy gold in Nigeria.

Best and Cheapest Places to Buy Gold in Nigeria

1. Kano

It is not a doubt that Kano is the center of gold trade and buying and selling in Nigeria. Here, you can buy the cheapest, genuine, and best gold. However, the gold you are to buy here is mostly as ornaments and accessories not in the raw unprocessed form.

Are you looking for the best city or place to buy gold, then you should check out Kano. It won’t be a bad bet for you.

2. Lagos

Lagos is the only Southern Nigeria city to make this list. This is because it is the commercial capital of Nigeria. Here, you’ll also find the cheapest and best gold products, mostly as jewelries. You should locate the trusted vendors and the ones you get to know through referral to make a purchase.

3. Abuja

This is the capital city of Nigeria, and so, you are sure to find genuine and good gold products here. You should be referred to genuine wholesalers of gold in this city before setting out to buy. The fact you should note, though, is that gold in Abuja won’t be as cheap as the ones in Kano and Lagos.

4. Maiduguri

Maiduguri location as the farthest Northeast city in Nigeria gives it an edge. The gold from the neighboring countries end up in the city. If you can take the risk and make the travel, you are sure to buy good gold for a cheap amount. Before you go, you should be referred to a genuine wholesaler of gold.

5. Kaduna

The large quantities of gold in Kano markets for sale rubs off on Kaduna. When you are incapacitated to go to Kano, you why try Kaduna, there are genuine and good gold products for sale. You are sure to find them cheap.

As we have always stated, you should ensure you go to this place on referral.


The cities mentioned here are the nest and cheapest places to buy gold in Nigeria. You can get good gold of any amount from these areas. They are places you should try out as you make an attempt to buy gold.